Other purchases in Vienna include:
Nocturnal Emissions : Duty Experiment
I've only ever heard of Nocturnal Emissions on the liner notes to Front Line Assembly's Millennium album, where it is nestled inside a mini-NWW list of bands FLA liked. This list has, for many years, served as a shopping list wherever possible (best finds were Bourbonese Qualk and Cabaret Voltaire, though).
Picked up this disc of studio offcuts and rejects, really enjoyed it because it's truly corrosive -all acid synths, petulant drums, squalling effects and that great, disorientating feeling that these post-punk, early industrials albums have of genuinely throwing you off-balance because they shock and jolt the listener with their sonic leaps; drum patterns and structure one minute, blurts of electro-snot coughs the next, then a sample, then some funk, then some noise and so on.
What else?
Der Blutharsch - Der Sieg Des Lichtes Ist Des Lebens Heil!

Fucking cool. The 1st Der Blutharsch album (untitled) was great, a seamy mix of taboo-tottering German War anthems, skewed sampledelica and nasty noise with bombastic orchestral samples...really weird. This is no different, just better organised. Heavy on the sinister orchestral business, a Swiss-version of the WWII German song and some proper post-industrial neo-folky chanting such as "You are Odin's son" and "Be careful with your blood" (or something to this effect).
I also picked up the weirder:
Der Blutharsh: Everything is alright!

This rectifies that, though I only wanted it because it nearly sits between his brutally martial period and his new, psychedelic 60s freak-out phase of late. So, this is still focused on sample-manipulation and neo-folky themes, but with a lighter tone and the inclusion of some warped, skrewed rock/folk/soul-sounding samples (though, Jungle this ain't). There's more emphasis on vocals from Albin Julius (DB himself) and friends who're droning, chanting, repetitive lines in a spooky apocalyptic manner but with a bit of wry humour. Sort of if Crazy World of Arthur Brown hooked up with NON for a play fight.
Enjoyable and varied, if sometimes a bit too bonkers.
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